This section is the biggest and baddest download site for Street Fighter mp3s! All files here were ripped from my own collection of audio CDs and converted to mp3 format b4 being zipped and uploaded... and believe me, it was a really really long wait for the uploading to complete even on a 512 ADSL modem, especially with so many of them mp3s. :)
All the tracks featured here are full albums and most of them are either remixes, original soundtrax as well as titles from SF2V and SF2TAM. Check out the CD Reviews that accompanies the track listings and commentaries. If there's a particular track U R looking for that isn't here, email me and I'll get back to U ASAP! Like I said b4, service counts! :)
This particular SF remix album is my all time favourite coz of two tracks and they are non other than Guile's stage remix, Rush of the Wind and Ryu's Hearts of Fire! Most of the remixed stage musics are redone into a rock and roll style with plenty of bass/electric guitars. Not only are the songs great, they've also included a great looking CD booklet! Within the pages of the little booklet, U will find information on each character that's featured in this album and also a little regarding their remixed stage music. Furthermore, the layout and artworks are simply incredible! To top things off, there's also a timeline of the SF series starting from SF2 (1991) all the way till SSF2 (1994)! With so much in for U, how could U not get this CD? I would definately give this album two thumbs up and hope every has the chance to enjoy them. Hey! I already provided U with the downloads... get it now! :D